Everything About 7 String Guitar Nut Width


Everything About 7 String Guitar Nut Width

Before you know the 7 string guitar nut width you’ll have to know the seven-string guitar, which is more prevalent than the six-string guitar, adds a seventh string. It is frequently used to increase the bass range (typically a low B) or the treble range. 

What is a 7 string guitar?

Seven string Guitar is used to increase the base range . One of two methods is used to add the extra string: either widen the fingerboard so that the left hand can fret the extra string, or leave the fingerboard alone and add a bass string that is “floating.” In the latter instance, the additional bass string is placed adjacent to the other bass strings but is not attached to the fingerboard, much like the archlute and theorbo. These non-frettable bass strings were once referred to as diapasons or bourdons.

History of 7 String Guitar Nut Width

To know about the 7 string guitar nut width ,over 230 years have passed since the seven-string guitar’s inception. The European guitar typically had four courses during the Renaissance (c. 1400–1600), with each course having two gut strings that were tuned in unison. It employed a variety of tunings, some of which were re-entrant, and more frequently had five courses during the mid-Baroque period (c. 1600–1750) (still double-strung). Six double-strung courses were prevalent by the beginning of the 18th century. 

The majority of stringed instruments used gut strings to be strung up to this time. About 1800 saw the widespread availability of high-quality metal-wire strings. In comparison to the older gut strings, the new ones were stronger, kept their pitch better, and most significantly, sounded louder. as well as using metal strings

Since at least 1776, Mexico has been the home of the guitarra séptima or guitarra sétima, a string instrument with fourteen strings and seven double courses (Antonio Vargas).

These instruments are still in use in Mexico even though the six-string instrument has become much more common. Seven-string instruments are still common in various parts of South America, notably Brazil. They rose to fame in Brazil, where they played a significant role in the 19th-century choro music, which is currently seeing a renaissance. 

7 String Guitar Nut Width (Proper guide)

The seven-string guitar is an amazing instrument. They bring a lot of expressiveness, diversity, and variety with them. That is not the only thing they bring with them, though. A seven-string guitar also presents a considerable number of challenges for performers and manufacturers.

Not only does the instrument get longer with the additional string, but also. Something about it produces an altogether original instrument. That is to say, a seven-string guitar shouldn’t only be seen as a different type of guitar.

Even while that’s true, that’s what it is; it also functions as its own instrument. A special set of obstacles and difficulties result from such. The abundance of novel (interesting) possibilities accessible may be one of the biggest difficulties facing artists in the beginning.

Generally speaking, a seven-string guitar’s nut width should be between 47 and 48 millimeters. However, there is much more to the tale than simply that if you want to know more.

What is the 7 string guitar nut width ?

Some of you may be wondering what 7 string guitar nut width even is, so let’s start with the fundamentals. In order to respond to this, we must first clarify what a guitar’s nut is.

The nut of a guitar is a little component, yet without it, the instrument cannot be played. The little piece of material known as a guitar nut separates the instrument’s head from its neck. Before the strings descend the fret-board, it maintains them in position.

Different 7 string guitar nut width with pros & cons

  • The millimeter range for wider nuts can range from the mid 40s to the low 50s

For guitarists switching from conventional six-string guitars, an average nut width will feel the most natural. Guitarists may learn to play the seven-string and move between instruments with ease thanks to the smooth transition.

Most beginners’ 7-string guitars will fall within this range of 47-48 millimeters for nut width.

If you don’t down-tune too much, there should be very little collision between strings, but you shouldn’t anticipate zero collision. You should expect to handle your guitar comfortably and be able to finger the majority of chords with a typical nut width and string spacing.

  • As little as 42 millimeters can be found in small nut width.

The majority of guitar players will probably feel most comfortable with a narrower nut width. You won’t need to overextend your fingers or wrist for the majority of notes or chords if the nut is smaller. It does, however, have significant shortcomings.

The nut is smaller, thus there isn’t much room between the strings to begin with. Maximum string collision and clanging results from little string spacing. This issue will be amplified while you are tuning your instrument down.

You’ll be more likely to strike the incorrect strings if there is less gap . Although this will be irritating, most people can solve this issue with practice and repetition.

7 string guitar nut width & spacing

This is crucial for a regular guitar. But the nut width is mostly standardized. Everyone has a basic concept of how much spacing and breadth is too much or too little, however it varies from instrument to guitar and business to manufacturer.

This becomes much more significant with seven-string and even eight-string guitars. There is a standard, although it is far more ill-defined. This may cause problems for players who are unsure of their own ideal string spacing and nut width.

When it comes to nut width, there is no one right response. However, there are certain personal preferences as well as incorrect responses. Particularly when the nut width is too tiny or wide, the incorrect replies occur. Being far too big or far too tiny causes problems that some people can’t handle. For instance, if you are using thicker, heavier gauge strings, a short nut width would result in all kinds of buzzing and rattling.

How would you feel if you wanted your 7 string guitar nut width to be bigger or smaller ?

There are some of us who take pleasure in adhering to a tried and proven strategy that most people find comfortable. There are many, nevertheless, who take pleasure in exploring the potential of our playing and instruments.

There are several different types of guitars. And what doesn’t exist can be created. You might be able to get a seven-string with a low 40mm or mid 50mm nut width (with a lot of research).

As was said at the outset of this essay, the majority of players prefer a seven-string guitar’s nut width to be between 47 and 48mm. You may even slightly enlarge that to 45–40mm. However, the player will have problems if they grow or shrink considerably beyond those limits.


You’re all enlightened about the 7 string guitar and the 7 string guitar nut width, You’ll find it useful for your purpose.. You’ll no longer have to struggle with frets and chords. You can adjust the guitar nut as per your hearing. We hope it will guide you good.

Yuvraj kore
Yuvraj korehttps://www.mrtechnomind.com/
Welcome to our blog! My name is Yuvraj Kore, and I am a blogger who has been exploring the world of blogging since 2017. It all started back in 2014 when I attended a digital marketing program at college and learned about the intriguing world of blogging.


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